Matt Modleski has extensive experience in strategic leadership, management and healthcare consulting. Prior to his work in healthcare sales and marketing, Matt was an accomplished pilot moving up through the ranks in the U.S. Air Force. He was the 355th Wing Instructor Pilot of the Year and also a lead member of the United States Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, The Thunderbirds.
Matt’s healthcare and consulting focus is clearly aligned with our organizational strategy. His strategic leadership focuses on maximizing individual and team performance through the application of strategy in sales, marketing, leadership, and life. Matt has held Director and Vice President level leadership roles in two healthcare sales and marketing organizations.
Matt’s extensive experience leading people, both in combat as well as Corporate America, and more than 30 years observing and taking note of other leaders, led to the development of “Active Leadership-A Strategy to Lead.” He has spoken extensively on the subjects of strategy and leadership for more than 15 years and Matt’s years of training experience in the very unforgiving business of aviation give him a unique perspective to shape team performance when results are paramount.
Matt was also invited to attend the National Security Forum at the Air War College in Montgomery. This is a one-time honor that is given to approximately 130 guests from leadership positions in the fields of business, the clergy, education, government, the law, media, and medicine. The primary objective of this annual forum is a frank and candid exchange of views on national security matters between invited guests, Air War College students, and senior military and civilian leaders. The week long forum is devoted to exploring the many issues that affect the current and future security of our country. 
His awards and decorations are numerous and include the Distinguished Flying Cross, Meritorious Service Medal, Aerial Achievement Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal, and the Humanitarian Service Medal,
Matt is a member of the Air Force Association as well as the Air Force Daedalians. He is also a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association, and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Matt resides in Carmel, IN with his wife Dianne and their two sons, Keaton and Jacob.
- NCO Leadership Academy, Nellis AFB, NV, “Active Leadership—A Strategy to Lead”
- Roche Diagnostics, “Active Leadership—A Strategy to Lead;” “Train the Way You Fight-Sales Simulations”
- Disetronics USA, “The Path to Success—Applying Strategy to Achieve Your Dreams
- Wells Fargo Bank, “Active Leadership—Helping Customers to Achieve Their Dreams”
- Cognis Corporation, “Active Leadership-A Strategy to Lead;” “Train the Way You Fight applies to Safety”
- Map Info Company, “Active Leadership-A Strategy to Lead;” “Train the Way You Fight- Sales Simulations”
- Ortho Biotech, “Top Gun: Leading Strategically to Achieve High Performance”
- Centocor, “Active Leadership® for High Performance Teams”
“Applying Strategy to Achieve World Class Organizational Performance,” April 2007, A SGI Whitepaper, Matt
Modleski, Tom Stovall, Dusty Grainger
- “How Do They Do That?: Leadership Lessons Learned from the Thunderbirds,” Matt Modleski, October 2008
- “Sticky Leaders—Are Your Leaders People Who Inspire Other to Follow?”
- “Matt Modleski on Healthcare Reform,” Our Block, July 2009
“The American Dream and What We Must Do to Secure Our Children’s Dreams”, Matt Modleski, June 2011
Email Matt