A co-founder and President of Stovall Grainger Modleski Inc., Dusty works and consults collaboratively on executive, general management, marketing, sales, and professional development initiatives for clients.
Dusty's experience in the healthcare sales and marketing arena is extensive. He has 27 years of leadership and accomplishment including 13 years with one of the leadingpharmaceutical companies in the world. Dusty’s experience includes retail and institutional sales, retail and institutional sales management, corporate training and development as well as Managed Care marketing.
The Managed Care, Legislative and Regulatory arenas currently drive much of the massive changes in healthcare sales and marketing. Dusty rounds out his experience with leadership positions in these important areas.
Dusty continues to conceptualize and refine consulting capabilities in many areas including:
- Developing Organizational Strategies for Entrepreneurs
- Contracting, Positioning and Selling to Financial Decision-Makers
- Understanding the Managed Care Marketplace
- Strategic Marketing and Sales Management
- Developing the New Product Manager and Marketer
- Product Pull-Through Strategies
- Strategic War Gaming and Scenario Planning
- Mission and Vision
Dusty is also an alumnus of the National Security Forum at the Air WarCollege in Montgomery Alabama.This is a one-time honor that is given to approximately 130 guests from leadership positions in the fields of business, the clergy, education, government, the law, media, and medicine. The primary objective of this annual forum is a frank and candid exchange of views on national security matters between invited guests, Air War College students, and senior military and civilian leaders. The week-long forum is devoted to exploring the many issues that affect the current and future security of our country.
Dusty believes strongly that resolute marketing efforts as well as the individual salesperson will continue to be vital links to the success of even the largest, most powerful companies in the marketplace. However, Dusty knows that professionals who clearly understand their customer’s Critical Success Factors will achieve greater competitive advantage. With this in mind, Dusty is committed to providing consultation and developmental programs that transcend traditional, relationship based clinical features and benefits marketing and selling.
Dusty spends most of his personal time frolicking with his curly headed daughter Lily. Art History and 19th century caricature occupy other portions of his right brain. A former marathoner and tri-athlete, Dusty continues to include running as part of his life balance strategy. While passionate about golf, Dusty is one of the poorest players to ever pick up a club.
Dusty studied Marketing and Government at Francis Marion College.His Graduate studies are in Marketing and Organizational Development at The Johns Hopkins University and Health Systems Administration at Rochester Institute of Technology.
- National Society of Pharmaceutical Sales Trainers, "Developing the Strategic Sales Manager: Learning From the Mistakes of the Past"
- National Society of Pharmaceutical Sales Trainers, "Developing the Strategic Sales Manager: Learning From the Mistakes of the Past"
- National Society of Pharmaceutical Sales Trainers, "The Financial Perspective on Healthcare Sales and Marketing"
- U.S. Air Force Command and Staff College, "Sun Tzu’s Strategy in Contemporary Business"
- Southeastern Organ Procurement Society, "Change Management in the Current World of Healthcare Delivery"
- Auburn University, "The Consultative Process: A Real-World Example"
- American Society for Reproductive Medicine, "The Evolving Healthcare Economy-Trends and Potential Implications for Fertility Medicine"
- Health Industry Distributors Association, "Current Healthcare Marketplace Trends-Success Strategies for Distributors"
- News Post Magazine, "MovingFrom Tactical to Strategic Sales Management: The Challenge of Change"
- News Post Magazine Featured Article, "Rx for Financial Health: A Financial Perspective for Pharmaceutical Selling"
- Pharmaceutical Representative Magazine, "How Valuable are Tactical Call Rate Goals?"
- Pharmaceutical Representative Magazine, "Stand Out from the Crowd for Greater Access"
- Medical Marketing and Media: Executive Roundtable, "It’s Time We Trained Our Product Managers"
- News Post Magazine,"WarGaming and Product Positioning—Training the Process"
- News Post Magazine, "Partnering with Senior Management as a Valuable Process"
- Pharmaceutical Representative Magazine, "Customer Access: Can We Ever Have Dialogue?"
- Next Generation Pharmaceutical Magazine, "Higher Learning: New Thinking on Marketing and Sales Training & Development"
Books: “Building Competitive Immunity,” Tom Stovall and Dustin Grainger
Email Dustin